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How uses cookies


A cookie is a small piece of text sent to your browser by a website you visit. It helps the website to remember information about your visit, like your preferred language and other settings. That can make your next visit easier and the site more useful to you. Cookies play an important role. Without them, using the web would be a much more frustrating experience.

We use cookies for many purposes. We use them, for example, to remember your safe search preferences, to make the ads you see more relevant to you, to count how many visitors we receive to a page, to help you sign up for our services, to protect your data, or to remember your ad settings.

Our website is funded by online advertising. This helps us create new content and keep it free. When you visit our website, your browser automatically sends certain information to our advertising partners. This includes the URL of the page you’re visiting and your IP address. Our partners can also set cookies on your browser or read cookies that are already there.

If ad personalization is turned on, our partners will use your information to make your ads more useful for you.

If ad personalization if off, they will not collect or use your information to personalize the ads shown to you. You will still see ads, but they may not be as useful. Ads may still be based on the topic of the website or app you’re looking at, your current search terms, or on your general location, but not on your interests, search history, or browsing history.